Sunday, October 16, 2011

Souper Saturday

My lovely little sister Ruby photographed for me for this post. c:

I made you soup.
Actually, it wasn't just me.

 My good friend Alyssa (Follow her on Twitter here!) helped me out.
Once, when we were about 10 years old, we made soup together and it was so delicious so we decided to do it again.
I also made bread.

Cheesy, delicious, perfect for soup-dunking bread.
But this is about the soup.

{It's a mysterious swirl of vegetable and goodness}
So, here's how it went. 
(I don't have lots of pictures of the individual vegetables so you get lots of pictures of me and Alyssa stirring...)

So, first, we boiled our carrots and pasta {THAT WAS IN THE SHAPE OF STARS!}

Great teamwork shot right here.

So. Darn. Cute.

{So photogenic.}
Then, while that was cooking, Alyssa chopped the onions and I cut the chicken.
(I forgot to ask if she cried.)
Then, we put the onions in the soup pot with some butter, and let them just get translucent.

Then, when the onions were almost done, I put the chicken in.
When the chicken was almost done, then we poured in the [store-bought] veggie stock and the carrots and pasta.

Look at those stars!!!! Ugh so cute.
We let that simmer for about 10 minutes on medium heat.
Then we seasoned.

And seasoned.

More seasoning...

Then we stirred.

And Alyssa made bad jokes.
(No, this picture was not posed at all.)

And I reacted.

And we're really pretty.

Then it was finally ladle time!
[I really love ladles. I don't know why. They're like, these big oversized spoons and they're just so great okay?]

So we ladled our soup into our bowls.

Oh, did I forget to show you my bread?

Oh, I posted a picture earlier? Oh, sorry. Is your mouth watering yet?


Thought so.


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